I wanted to approach conceiving a dungeon without a map. Maybe a few battle maps (if I'm using a VTT), but not a proper dungeon map to show players or for the GM to look at, & much less for pushing tokens around.
However, I still want it to be a dungeon crawling experience. Here, I'll conceive of a relatively simple dungeon crawling structure for my PF2 games, which are very ligh on ressource management (aside from spell slots), taking some inspiration from OSR dungeoneering. The idea is to put some pressure on high level characters & give them opportunities to use their exploration abilities. In this case, I want the particular dungeon I'll experiment this idea in to be dangerous enough to potentially kill someone. It's been built up as the heart of the influence of an undying witch godess over a whole region, & this group of PCs is very powerful & efficient at dealing without too much worry with her blessed ones: I've been too kind to them -- for the context of this particular campaign.
The Dungeon Crawl structure
PF2's Gamemastery Guide advises a "dungeon crawl" to be roughly comprised of 2 trivial encounters, 4 low, 6 moderate & 6 severe, & to allow bypassing them.
So, a few of these, mostly severe & moderate encounters, are going to be "static", the ones who depend on being in specific places (or being specific places) but also & mainly those which can be clearly forshadowed as static places. Others are going to be ones who are generally less "telegraphed" & dangerous, & that will be encountered anywhere as long as the characters spend enough time in the dungeon: roaming encounters.
Out of combat, characters can take exploration activities (in PF2, these usually last 10 minutes). So, I want characters to be able to take at least 1 of these between every encounter unless they've put themselves in a specific situation. I do not want them to be able to take more than 3 at most, to keep a good rythm.
So, what this means is that static encounters (which comprise interesting places) will be separated at most by three-exploration-turns-long trips.
There will be, in essence, 2 types of exploration activities (I'm simply reinterpreting PF2's activities -- although I guess all this could be useful for my "Scentfinder" hack), that players will likely prioritize thusly: - recuperating ressources (treating wounds, refocusing...)
- adopting a particular attitude in regards to the environment (sneaking, analysing...), which should net findings or better initiative should fighting break out
Each exloration round will allow for the possibility of a random encounter or happenstance. Here is how I plan on it working:
- Roll 1d6 each exploration round.
- Roll +1d6 each exploration round, resetting after an encounter.
- Roaming encounters are related to either even or odd numbers, & to a number range.
- If a roaming encounter cannot appear for whatever reason, replace it by another that can, that is either of same difficulty, harder, or easier.
- Encounters descriptions comprise "difficulty, odd/even, context & composition, GM notes, potential effects on end".
- 1-4: nothing perturbs PC activities this exploration round; maybe some foreshadowing of the nearest static encounter.
- 5-6: signs of a low-difficulty roaming encounter; PC activities are not interrupted but they have to decide what to do next not to automatically face this encounter right at the end of this exploration round.
- 7-10: low-difficulty roaming encounter (odd or even); PC activities are interrupted unless they affect their initative.
- 11-12: signs of a moderate roaming encounter; PC activities are not interrupted but they have to decide what to do next not to automatically face this encounter right at the end of this exploration round.
- 13-16: moderate roaming encounter (odd or even); PC activities are interrupted unless they affect their initative.
- 17-18: signs of a severe roaming encounter; PC activities are not interrupted but they have to decide what to do next not to automatically face this encounter right at the end of this exploration round.
- 19-22: severe roaming encounter (odd or even); PC activities are interrupted unless they affect their initative.
- 23-24: maybe a specific, very dangerous environmental effect depending on the dungeon; otherwise, nothing perturbs PC activities this exploration round; maybe some foreshadowing of the nearest static encounter.
Exploration activities
So, I'll try to list each compatible PF2 exploration activity (although one could improvise more if needed, & classes can add their own), which can be performed while progressing through the dungeon:
- Avoid notice: unnoticed by unaware creatures, roll initative on Stealth & start combat as undetected by creatures of lower intiative.
- Defend: benefit from held shield's protection until first combat turn.
- Disguise: pass someone as someone else, roll initative on Deception & start combat considering relevant creatures flat-footed until the end of first combat turn.
- Follow the expert: use the same activity as another PC, & in case of a skill check you're unproficient in, roll with a circumstance bonus equal to level + half the relevant proficiency of followed PC.
- Investigate: obtain information about the environment when applicable (potentially gated behind proficiency level); roll initative on relevant knowledge skill & consider that roll as a free Recall Knowledge check about an enemy.
- Maintain spell: sustain or repeat a spell that can be used this way over 10 minutes; will be considered active until first combat turn.
- Refocus: +1 FP.
- Scout: +1 (cir) to whole party's initative rolls.
- Search: obtain information about the environment when applicable (potentially gated behind proficiency level); roll intiative on Perception & use that roll as a free occasion to Seek when combat starts.
- Track/Cover tracks: use Survival to know the path other creatures took or to set a better tracking DC for the party; roll initative on Survival & Stride as a free action when combat starts.
- Treat wounds: use medicine to heal someone.
Contextual initative
Some circumstances (situation, environment...) require rolling initative on a specific skill (narrow passages requiring an Acrobatics check, for example) unless a character benefits from a movement type or ability allowing them to bypass the environment's hardships.
Likewise, RP interaction could allow for other skills (for example, approaching an encounter with deceitful words would allow rolling Deception, failing to negociate a truce would allow Diplomacy, or failing to avoid combat through Intimidation would still grant a chance to make use of it).
I'll put some example dungeon crawl here or in another post once I've both finished it & ran my players through it (the scoundrels might read this post in advance).